17 June, World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought
This year, the Global Observation Program of World Desertification and Drought Day (June 17, World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought) organized by the Korea Forest Service, will be a full-day program with a variety of exciting programs and international talent.
2020 Theme: Food. Feed. Fiber. - Sustainable Production And Conjunction (World Desertification and Drought Day Theme)
This year's upbringing focuses on the leading driver of the desert and changing public attitudes to land degradation: the tireless production and consumption of humanity.
As the population grows larger, the wealthier, and more urban, there is more demand for land for food, fodder for livestock, and fiber for clothing. Meanwhile, the health and productivity of existing arable land is deteriorating due to climate change.
To have enough productive land to meet the demands of ten billion people by 2050, lifestyles have to be changed. Desertification and drought on World Day under the slogan "Food". Feed. Fiber. "Seeks to educate individuals to minimize their personal effects.
Desertification is land degradation in arid, semi-arid, and arid sub-humid regions. This is mainly due to human activities and climate changes. Desertification does not mention the expansion of existing deserts. This occurs because dryland ecosystems, which cover one-third of the world's terrain, are highly vulnerable to over-utilization and unsuitable land use. Poverty, political instability, deforestation, overgrowth, and poor irrigation practices can reduce land productivity.
The World Desert to Combat Desertification and Drought is observed every year to promote public awareness of international efforts to combat desertification. This day is a unique moment to remind everyone that land degradation neutrality is achievable through problem-solving, strong community participation, and cooperation at all levels.
Given the status of COVID-19, especially this time too. A clear understanding of the rights, rewards, and responsibilities of land management can help address the consequences of COVID-19 by tackling one of the primary environmental drivers of emerging infectious disease outbreaks. Also, strengthening the resilience of our food and water systems can help reduce the impact of the epidemic on global poverty and food insecurity. Today, the "Healthy Land = Healthy People", promoted by Combat Desertification by the Convention, is more true than ever.
Proclaimed Date of World Day Combat Desertification and Drought
The day was declared by a UN General Assembly resolution on January 30, 1995, the day after the UN Convention to Combat Desertification was drafted.
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Food, feed, and fiber should also expand with cities and the fuel industry. The end result is that the land is being converted and is being harmed at unstable rates, damaging production, ecosystem, and biodiversity.
Food, feed, and fiber also contribute to climate change, with nearly a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions coming from agriculture, forestry, and other land use. Clothing and footwear production accounts for 8 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, which is projected to increase by about 50 percent by 2030.
With changes in consumer and corporate behavior, and the adoption of more efficient planning and sustainable practices, there may be sufficient land to meet demand. If every consumer were to buy products that did not degrade the land, suppliers would cut the flow of these products and send a powerful signal to producers and policymakers.
To commemorate this observation and create awareness about the day, UNCCD has devised several activities: an online event, a YouTube short film series related to the topic and competition, #UNCCDLandHeroes, where a specific to limit young candidates Solutions propose that our production and consumption of food, feed, and fiber be left on the ground. The winner will be announced on 17 June.
17 June, World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought Fact
1. Today, more than two billion hectares of earlier productive land is degraded.
2. More than 70 percent have been transformed into a natural ecosystem. By 2050, it can reach 90 percent.
3. By 2030, an additional 300 million hectares of land will be needed for food production.